30 Minute Workout Programs

30 Minute Workout offers members the option of using different programs, all based on our 30 minute, 10 station circuit.  Current programs include the following:

  • LEVEL 1 – our basic cardio and boxing based program, including body-weight cardio exercises, exercises with light dumbbells / kettlebells / medicine balls, and boxing based exercises with various bags (All members start here)
  • LEVEL 2 (coming soon) – more advanced versions of LEVEL 1 exercises, with an emphasis on squats, lunges and jumps.  Many exercises are shared between LEVEL 1 and LEVEL 2, but the differences are more challenging
  • FLEXIBILITY – improve your flexibility with stretching and yoga exercises
  • ELEMENTS – an 8-week strength, control and flexibility program to improve your overall functional movements (movements that are useful in daily life)
  • PLYOMETRICS (coming soon) – explosive movements are emphasized, including Star Jumps, Gorilla Jumps, Burpee-to-Squat Hold and Spiderman Jumps


NOTE 1:   If you use the Scheduling Kiosk to start your workout, the system will keep up with the specific workout number that you have progressed to within each Program.  Your specific workout number may be different than the default display, and will probably be different than your neighbor’s.  With this, you can – for example - incorporate an 8-week program into your schedule, but still continue through each progression to completion even though you have multiple interruptions in your gym attendance.


NOTE 2: You MUST use the Scheduling Kiosk if you are attempting to use a different program than LEVEL 1.  The gym circuit uses the LEVEL 1 program as its default mode, and only runs alternative programs based on the member using the Scheduling Kiosk.


Use the In-Gym Scheduling Kiosk

After arriving at the gym, use the Schedule Kiosk (located between the Vending Area and Station 1) to schedule yourself for Station 1.  Touch the touch screen, choose your member name, and press the Schedule button.   This will move your name to the Scheduled box.  Once the Next Station starts, your name will be displayed at Station 1. If other members are already scheduled, the Scheduler will move you into position after the last scheduled member.


Scheduling the different Programs

Use the SCHEDULE option from the 30 Minute WO app to set a Monday – Sunday schedule of the different workout programs offered by the gym.  The default for all new members for each day is ‘LEVEL 1’, which is our basic cardio and boxing program.


Scheduling ideas

  1. Mix up your daily workout by scheduling LEVEL 1 on Mon, Wed and Fri, and then add a couple of FLEXIBILITY workouts on Tue and Thu.
  2. Get a double workout by scheduling LEVEL 1 on each day.  After finishing your 10 stations, use the app Schedule function to change your program to ELEMENTS for the current day, and then immediately start 10 more stations of the ELEMENTS program.